SJCC Ministry Scheduling Requests Any Ministry that wants to host an event on the parish campus must complete this form. ***Event requests must be provided to the office 3 months prior to the desired date.***Today's Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY NAME OF EVENT(Required)MINISTRY NAME(Required)MINISTRY CONTACT (NAME)(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) WILL ANOTHER MINISTRY HELP WITH THE EVENT(Required) YES NO Supporting GROUP(Required)HOW WILL THE Supporting GROUP HELP?(Required)TYPE OF EVENT, please select one(Required) Conference Devotion Food Sale Fundraiser Retreat Workshop Social Gathering Other OTHER:(Required)EXPECTED NUMBER OF ATTENDEES(Required)Please enter a number less than or equal to 250.Is this a multiday event(Required) YES NO Type of Days needed(Required) weekend weekly Monthly Other OTHER:(Required)TENTATIVE DATE OF EVENT(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY ALTERNATIVE DATE 1(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY ALTERNATIVE DATE 2(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY TENTATIVE TIME OF EVENT(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM ALTERNATIVE TIME OF EVENT(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM DURATION(Required)EVENT LOCATION(Required)***Space used must be returned to the condition in which it was found.*** Church Hall (Capacity is 250) Hall Classroom Annex (Capacity is 18) Office Conference room Stations of the Cross outdoor area Will your event require any of the following services? Please select.(Required) Audio-visual WiFi access Self Setup Office Support with setup Are you collecting money in any way? Kitchen(Ready to Eat Food Only) Guest Speaker Bulletin Advertisement Pulpit Announcement Table at the Narthex Audio-visual what kind(Required)Who Is Guest Speaker vetted by?(Required)***All speaker must be Vetted by Father Benjamin or The Orlando Diocese*** Yes No Guest Speaker Name(Required) First Last Title Vetted By Number of Tables(Required)Number of Chairs(Required)How much time they will need to reserve the space for set up?(Required)Max time allowed 2 HoursAcknowledgement of Money handling requirements(Required)***Money bag will be required. There must be two current fingerprinted persons handling money*** To coordinate pickup and drop off of the money bag contact Wendy Taylor at I acknowledge I read the above requirments How is the Food being provided?(Required) Catered Potluck Donation Provided by Ministry Other Other ways food will be provided(Required)Bulletin Advertisement Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Bulletin Advertisement End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Pulpit Announcement Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Pulpit Announcement End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Table at the Narthex Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Table at the Narthex End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Are there any additional notes or special circumstances St Joseph needs to be aware of?