Ministry Opportunities

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

– 1Peter 4:10

There are many ways to serve the Church and your community. Below are the ministries that are currently seeking volunteers. If you are a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church and are interested in becoming involved in one of the following ministries, please read over the list and the descriptions and pray about how you might share your talents for the glory of God.

  • Per Diocese of Orlando policies, our volunteers must be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process.

To signup for the Ministries described below please Contact the Church Office

Go to Ministries

Lord God, you have called forth generous women and men to minister to you and your church by serving their sisters and brothers. May those who minister in your name be effective in their work and persevering in their prayer, performing their ministry with gentleness and concern for others. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

– Amen

MEN- Raul Rodriguez / WOMEN – Keyla Rivera

Emmaus has the following objectives: preparing and running the Emmaus Retreat, where participants are given an experience with Jesus. The retreat, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, has been a point of conversion and renewal for many who have lived this experience, who have felt their hearts burning when they met Jesus along the way.

Coordinators: Maureen Newell

Community of Catholic women, dedicated to the Blessed Mother and doing God’s work by enriching our lives through prayer, reflection, example and outreach.

Coordinators: Michelle Spyckaboer

Our St. Joseph’s Moms Group is designed to support mothers with children who are newborn-10years of age grow in friendship and community with other Catholic mothers. They gather for weekly play dates at the park as well as a monthly Mom’s Night Out and would love to welcome you into their group.

Coordinators: Leann Garrettson Tran

The National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic Women in spirituality, leadership, and service. The NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.

Lead:Deacon Michael Ann / Johanna Cedeño.

The vision of Consolation Ministry is to create an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding and direction for those who are grieving the death of a family member or friend. Volunteers assist a grieving family in the planning of a funeral for a deceased loved one.

Lead:Vicky McCann

The Outreach ministry seeks to provide practical assistance to needy families as well as the elderly and homebound within our parish and local community. Per Diocese of Orlando policies, outreach ministers must be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process.

Formation Coordinator: Edith Heinsen


Catechists introduce the person of Jesus Christ to the children/youth and share the Catholic faith with joy and love. Catechists provide a positive learning environment. They collaborate with and affirm parents as the primary teachers of their children’s formation. Catechists participate in the sacramental life of the Church and commit to their own personal and educational development by pursuing Diocesan catechist certification.


Catechist assistants support the catechists in assisting the youth with lesson activities and in classroom management. They help provide a loving environment to help youth encounter our Lord Jesus Christ. Catechist assistants participate in the sacramental life of the Church and commit to their own personal and educational development.


Hall monitors help the parish catechetical leader provide a safe environment. They ensure that youth are in their classrooms and leave at the end of the formation session with parent, guardian or another adult authorized by their parents.

Collection Counters
Lead:Wendy Taylor

The counters handle passing the basket for the offertory at each Mass and placing the collection in a tamper proof bag. On Monday, each Mass offertory is counted separately, and recorded.  Holy days require schedule adjustments.

Altar Linen Ministry
Lead:Jessie Rivera / Charlie Sanford

This ministry is perfect for people who wish to help maintain dignity of our worship by cleaning the altar linens (purificators and altar cloths) which need to be taken home and laundered on a regular basis. This ministry is for those who cannot attend regular meetings but wish to offer their service for the benefit of the Liturgy.

Altar Servers
Lead:Bunn Rieckhoff / Ana Torres

Altar Servers enhance the quality of liturgical celebrations by assisting the priest in various ways during the Mass and by taking part in the Processions. A server can expect to be scheduled at weekend Masses about twice a month. Not only does the Altar Server offer an extremely important service in the Liturgy, but it is also a wonderful way for young people to learn and understand the elements which comprise the Mass.  Preferred age is 4th grade and up.

Art & Environment
Lead:Patricia Medina / Blanca Zuniga

The Art and Environment Committee is responsible for the worship environment of our church. This includes decorating the church for various seasons of the church year as well as maintaining plants and altar cloths and sewing banners throughout the year.

Committee members meet throughout the year to plan for the various liturgical seasons and to assign various tasks and responsibilities. Special attention and planning are given to the major seasons of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.

Members of this ministry cultivate their creativity in faith-filled applications such as: working with plants and floral arranging, sewing, painting and working with various media to enhance the worship environment. More practical elements of the ministry include: ironing, polishing and just being a helper wherever help is needed.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Lead:Deacon Jesus Suarez / Jesus Figueroa

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly at all Masses of the parish. They are mandated and approved by the Bishop of Orlando to assist with the needs of the parish surrounding the Celebration of the Mass and the distribution of Communion.

Those who enter the process of discernment for this ministry are reminded that all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are recommended and approved by St Joseph before submission to the Office of Liturgy for the Diocese of Orlando. Candidates must be predisposed for this ministry in conformity with the Diocesan Guidelines and must attend a one-day workshop, given regularly by the Diocesan Office of Liturgy.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve a five-year period on the “active’ weekend schedule. Per Diocese of Orlando policies, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit the sick and homebound must be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process.

Lead:Deacon Gary Tester / Doris Ramos

God’s Word is alive and the Reader is the person who brings it to life for the people. Readers demonstrate their love for the Word by using oral communication skills to allow their personal faith to be shaped by the Word and to share this as proclamation in true humility.

Time commitment involves two to three hours of personal preparation and prayer with the assigned readings for the week. Readers proclaim the readings approximately two times a month. On-going formation in this ministry includes attendance at various skill-building and scripture study classes throughout the year. Readers are selected through a discernment/audition process.

Lead: Steven Rabanal

The Music Ministry consists of a variety of musicians and choir members who prepare the elements of worship with weekly rehearsals. Our goal is to help bring liturgy to life through music and reverence seeking the full and active participation of the assembly.  We are looking forward to various choirs including the Polish and Spanish choirs as well as Adult choirs for anyone in high school and above, a Children’s choir for 3rd grade age through middle school and a Hand Bell choir. The Music Ministry works closely with other ministries within the parish to plan and prepare for major feasts and seasons.

Lead:Martin Kelly

Sacristans assist the priests and other ministers in the immediate preparation for Mass. This ministry is a very special and important part of service for the Liturgy. Sacristans arrive about 40 minutes before Mass to prepare the altar and sanctuary. Before Mass the Sacristan sets out vestments for the presiding priest, prepares the bread and wine to be consecrated during Mass and sets out the proper books and vessels. After Mass, the Sacristan returns the sacred vessels and articles for worship to their proper places. Sacristans usually are scheduled to serve at approximately two Masses per month. Per Diocese of Orlando policies, Sacristans must be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process.

Lead:Vicky McCann / Raul Rodriguez 

The primary ministry of ushers is to be of service to everyone in the assembly so that all may celebrate the Sacred Liturgy as the holy people of God who became one in Christ. The Ushers are some of the first people that those entering the church encounter. Ushers help to maintain a prayerful atmosphere. Therefore, a true spirit of welcome should be the hallmark of their service. At the same time, Ushers are involved in some of the most important elements of good Liturgy, some of which include: Escorting people to their seats and helping to find seats when the church is crowded, Inviting people to bring up the gifts of bread and wine, helping with the communion procession, handing out bulletins, and making sure the church looks neat after people have left. Per Diocese of Orlando policies, ushers must be background checked every five years through the FBI/FDLE screening process.