Adult Formation

Our Baptismal call is to a lifelong spiritual journey and continual development of our faith. Growing in holiness and discipleship involves a willingness to continue to learn throughout one’s whole life about the faith and how to live it. Our Formation program is for adults, teens and children. The children and teens meet in age appropriate groups while the adults meet to learn and continue to grow in their knowledge of faith.

The Church calls the family the “Domestic Church” and the adults are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, all adults, and especially parents, must work at learning more about our faith and in continually deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ.  It is adults who will set the example for lifelong Formation and nourish their children’s faith development in a Household of Faith. With this understanding and hope in mind, the parish of St. Joseph seeks to provide all adults with the proper formation for a deeper conversion into their faith.

2024-2025 Formation SCHEDULE: Coming Soon

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For more information contact Johanna Cedeno: or (407) 275-0841.